Recommended if you are new to healing and self-discovery
Discover your blueprint to health, happiness, and abundance. Be You serves up wisdom without the woo-woo. Simple language and effortless readability help you gain transformative insights and empower you to dramatically improve your quality of life by following a simple, step-by-step approach to reacting less and thriving more.
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Recommended if you need practical guidance
This workbook is the perfect companion for those who are currently reading or have already read Be You – The Journey of Self-Realization or anyone who wants to skip ahead and focus on doing the work.
All 51 chapters of Be You are neatly summarized to allow quick, daily reads, augmented by insightful and thought-provoking prompts to support you in your daily journaling practice.
This workbook also comes with a selection of Cirak’s favorite guided meditations, making this the ultimate self-help program.
If you have purchased this workbook, please find the Online Resources here.
Recommended for those serious about personal transformation
The Five Levels of Awareness outlines the evolution of your consciousness as it manifests in your everyday life. Every individual must pass through these stages on their journey through the physical dimension. Each level comes with its associated behaviors, attitudes, perspectives, and lessons to help you graduate from one level to the next.
This book does not stipulate what you should do. Rather, it looks at what you are doing, what it says about you, and where the opportunities lie to live your best life possible. So, what level are you?
How to Graduate from Earth School
We’ve all heard the term old soul. It describes someone who – despite being in a young person’s body – demonstrates a maturity, insight, and seriousness that is typical of someone much older. Someone wise beyond their years.
Old Soul Young Soul sheds light on the most common unconscious behaviors that keep you stuck in old patterns, most of which aren’t even your own. They are imprints from your environment that you must become aware of and heal – if you want a shot at graduating to the next level of your journey.
This book is not for the faint of heart. It minces no words in pointing out what keeps you stuck and what you must do to dissolve it.
Expected publish date: Summer of 2025
Life After Spiritual Awakening
The ultimate challenge of our existence is to see things as they are. It’s what every serious spiritual seeker, Bible reader, and Zen master aspires to. You can spend your lifetime trying to quiet your monkey mind and barely move the needle. Unsurprisingly, most humans live their lives trapped in their subjective realities, blind to what is actually happening, never even catching a glimpse of what their existence is really about.
The process of spiritual awakening itself is brutal. Letting go of what you once thought was true is the hardest experience of your life. However – it is not nearly as difficult as realizing what the truth actually is.
Expected publish date: Fall of 2025
What readers are saying
Be You is written so conversationally and with such wisdom that I practically highlighted every word. But whether you are spiritual or not, your feelings are your clue as to what might be out of place in your life or, on the flip side, what is going well in your life. Highly Recommended to all the lovers of non-fiction.
Amazingly woven like an interesting spell. I didn’t think this book would be this good. It was engaging, a total different piece of art from every aspect. It sets a very high bar for whatever he does that comes next. Must Read.
One of the best books I have read this month!
Highly recommend it! I only leave positive feedback and reviews when I love the book.
A must read for sure
The awesome subject of self-realisation needs to be rolling off people’s tongues more than the latest gossip and lists of personal problems.
You are not who you think you are and life is not what you think it is – self-realisation is what you need, it’s all you need!
One major thing that I adored about this book was it talked about mental health. We all know how important it is to take care of yourself in this modern world.
I think that almost every reader out there would enjoy this one. It was a perfect mixture of knowledge, fun and was extremely thought-provoking.
Be You is all about empowering the reader to be their best self. It breaks down the basic knots and barriers faced on this path and emphasizes the importance of self-love and clearing stuck feelings. I recommend this book to everyone.
I wish I had this book when I first began my journey. No complicated language or over-explanations like in so many other self-help books. If you are just starting on your self-transformation journey or need a great motivational lift, this book is definitely for you!
Be You will compel you to reflect within yourself and around you. This book mentions many things that are not new however the approach of the book is really commendable. I will recommend this book to every reader who doesn’t like to read self-help book which are written in a typical manner.
This book helps us in seeing our true self and what are we truly capable of. How to get over our emotions, feelings, and mental health crisis. Each chapter will help you deal with one emotion or problem, one at a time. Be it- depression, forgiveness, loneliness, trust, faith, etc. This book will keep you motivated and most importantly, will help you in understanding and accepting your true self. As the author said, I quote, “Be happy. Be free. Be you.” Get this book now. I 100% recommend this. MUST BUY.
The book is all about enlightenment and nurturing your brain with powerful words. The more you reach inside this book, the more you respect your self-esteem. It is filled with motivational quotes, each connecting your mind and soul. The knowledge it shares with the readers is marvelous.
I can’t express that feeling when I realized that this is the book I was searching for since forever. I felt, this book is especially for improving the quality of our life, this book is for happiness, for your growth, and self-realization. This will surely empower you to improve your quality of life by following a simple, step-by-step approach to reacting less and thriving more.
I enjoyed how author Cirak tackles the more challenging topics and puts them into words anyone can understand. I admit, at first, I was thinking understanding the sections may be a challenge for me. However, I found it was very down-to-earth. I not only can comprehend this book. I can understand it—Bravo to author Cirak on Be You.
I think this is one of the best books on self-help and irrespective of your genre, you must read it. This book is informative and the quotes and highlights are very inspiring and motivated.
Every page in “Be You: The Journey of Self-Realization” is filled with timeless wisdom. This is one of the most profound books I have read in a remarkably simple format.
A true healing and transformative guide for anymore looking to understand life, Self, and beyond with simplicity and compassion.
“Who are your favorite mentors and thought leaders? Mine are Gary Vee, Dalai Lama, Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle, and Cirak, just to name a few!”
The book becomes more n more personal as I progress. Looks like I was supposed to meet you and read this masterpiece 🤩
Cirak’s teachings are motivating me to become a better version of myself ..Thank you sooooo much, God bless 🙌
I have read this book many times since purchasing it. I keep quotes from it in my purse 👜 and read them when I “ what if “. It always helps me heal and love myself ❤️♥️. Thank you, Chris! 🙏🏻
Still halfway but I like to take my time to process. The hardest things to overcome emotionally, the author really explained in the simplest terms, which allows one to process it without putting up a fight and just surrender to the teachings.
When I was looking for answers in my own journey, there were two things that frustrated me: language and discoverability. First, the language I came across was unfamiliar to me, in some cases even off-putting. It was a real barrier to understanding the wisdom behind it. Secondly, I found it challenging to sift through all the material out there. I would read a whole book or sit through an hour-long video just to find the part that related to me. My books use language that doesn’t get in the way of wisdom, and you can easily find whatever answers you’re looking for.
We live in a world that is designed with our genuine well-being at heart, even if it’s hard to see sometimes. But if you look closely enough, you realize nothing should ever be discounted. Everything contributes to your continued growth and blossoming. My books examine how exactly we get in our way of seeing just how perfect and complete life is; how to release self-limiting beliefs, and how to embrace everything that happens as opportunities for prosperity and self-realization.
In 2015, I experienced a major spiritual awakening. I went from seeking myself on the outside to finding myself on the inside. I didn’t realize how much my life would change for me to become the person I am today. I went from planning and controlling to staying open to all possibilities, letting life reveal you to yourself, because that’s what it does. We just have to get out of our own way.
My desire is to empower readers with a sense that we are all already perfect and complete, it’s only how we perceive ourselves that contains flaws and limitations. My wish is for readers to feel seen, heard, and recognized, and to feel inspired to keep living their truth. Life can be a rocky road sometimes and we all need constant reminders to stay the course. I hope my writings shed the light of awareness and help dispel any self-limiting beliefs so that the person you are designed to be can emerge.
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